• 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1650.00)$1650.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $875.00)2x $875.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Musing to Monetized4 Week Done-With-You Intensive$0

Build a self-sustaining business with profitable, scalable offers that leverage your zone of genius.

We'll turn your signature done-for-you service into a scalable offer that frees up your capacity, brings you consistent income, and aligns with your greater brand vision. 


  • 4 1:1 strategy sessions
  • Unlimited Voxer voice note support & feedback
  • Brand audit guide
  • Idea validation framework
  • Offer development workbook
  • Implementation strategy & checklist
  • 2 weeks of follow up support

After you submit your payment information, you'll be redirected to schedule your kickoff call. You'll also receive an email with additional onboarding instructions and prep work. 

  • Total payment
  • 1xMusing to Monetized$0

All prices in USD
